Maite Gil

© 2024 Maite Gil – Actress – web

TV, film and theatre actress, I devoted myself to this profession after training in different national and international schools. I have been nominated for the Goya Award as leading actress for my portrayal in the film Agua and for an Honorary Award at the Oniros Film Awards Festival for my work in the film GPS. I have worked in over 30 TV series and Films. –Please see CV attached

In the early 90´s I founded the companies Xarxa Teatre and Visitants, embarking on global tours. In China, my work garnered the accolades of Best Performance and Best Show, with my work Los Cuadros Flamencos de García Lorca. In addition, I give lectures at the Instituto Cervantes in Rome, who fully support my tour in Italy with this production. I am trained in textual performance at theInstitut del teatre, William Layton, José Carlos Plaza, John Strasberg, Moscow Art Theatreand in physical theatre at Lindsay Kemp, Guillermo Heras, Cie Carbone 14, Odin Teatre, École National de Cirque de Paris. I also completed dancing studies at Gracel Meneu, Olga Poliakoff, Marco Bendoni, and singing lessons at Mara Aranda, María Jonás. Furthermore, I studied comedy of art at Roberto Andrioli in Florence.

I work as a guest actress and narrator in operas including Orfeo, El Amor Brujo, Il Casanova, I Medici, and in ancient and medieval music groups, portraying characters such as Leonor of Aquitania or Blanquina March.

As a polyglot, I have performed in Spanish, Catalan, Valencian, English, Italian, Portuguese, and French, along with diverse accents.

I am currently shooting for the series L’Alqueria Blanca Àpunt media Tv- and for the new Netflix series El Legado; I am also working in cinema, in two films that will be released in 2025. In theatre performances, I continue alongside Spanish Brass, as the starring character,, in the role of Giulietta Massina for the show Un Po’di Fellini.